
Sending Messages

Personalising your message

When sending your message, make sure you communicate with your customers the same way you would if they were to walk into your premises. Demonstrate your outstanding customer service skills with a friendly and personal text.

Hi Megan, this weekend we’re doing “Bring a Buddy” and would like to invite you to bring a friend to try out our health club for FREE!

We’ve made it extremely easy to personalise your messages to multiple contacts using merge fields – you can pull the name of your contact straight into the body of your message. Scheduling your message

Knowing when to send your message at the right time is crucial - it’s not rocket science either! Knowing when your customers are likely to be thinking about making a purchase and when they are likely to be close to their phone will improve the results of your campaign.

Timing your message is key, so we have developed a handy tool that lets you schedule the date and time of your message so you can plan your campaigns in advance and ensure you send at the best time to engage with your contacts.

Attaching files to your message

Attaching files to your messages is easy; upload your menus, photos, brochures, spreadsheets or PDF’s to your message and monitor open rates with our advanced reporting.

Our upload feature works in a similar way to attaching files in an email, simply locate the file you want to attach from your computer and Textplode will convert the attachment into a shortened clickable link in the body of your SMS.

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